Adena Awarded U.S. Army Grant for Sodium Battery Technology

Adena Power is honored to receive a U.S. Army Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant. This award fuels our passion for creating safe, American-made sodium-based battery technology that’s kind to the environment.

Our innovative design offers a powerful combination: high energy density, a simplified build, and efficient thermal management. This translates to a compact, scalable system ideal for diverse military environments. Plus, we rely on raw materials readily available within the U.S., avoiding dependence on resources like cobalt and lithium found in traditional lithium-ion batteries.

“We believe our technology is perfectly suited for dual-use applications,” says Dr. Neil Kidner, Adena’s Co-Founder and Chief Scientific Officer. “This grant allows us to showcase how our solutions can address the U.S. Army’s energy storage needs.”

Phase I of the project will assess how Adena’s turnkey systems can empower military microgrids and support electric vehicle charging in challenging environments. By collaborating with the Army, we aim to bolster national security and propel advancements in sustainable energy storage.

Adena Power Press Release: Adena Power Selected for Army SBIR Phase 1 Award